Thursday, June 18, 2009

Last Day of School

 My little girl is getting bigger and bigger and I am having such a hard time with it. I remember on her first day of school she was so nervous! I drove her to school and we waited outside with all the other students for their teachers to come get them and walk them to class. She just held on to my leg making it so hard for me to even take a picture of her! Her face as she walked away from me with her teacher read a thousand different expressions. I had her hold a new friends hand, Cossette's, so they could offer each other a bit of comfort. She was very excited but her fear showed more. This was the first year that she got to buy lunch, this was the first year that she'd get to walk in the hallways by herself to go to the office or bathroom. This was the first year that she would ride the school bus, and go on field trips. 
  On her second day of school I was so nervous! It was the first day she'd ride the school bus. As we walked to her bus stop she had tears in her eyes and I could feel her trembling. Another boy in her class, Scotty, rode the same bus and was at the same bus stop, so I told her to just keep up with him and follow him to your class, in the afternoon you just get off at the same stop as him and I will be waiting for you. Even still I was nervous she would get lost at school in a sea of unfamilar faces and be terrified. The bus was pulling up and it was time to say goodbye, she burst into tears! Trying to be the strong mother I am I gave her a big hug and kiss and sent her on the bus. I found her face in the window looking at me just sobbing as she rode away. I felt like the worst mother ever! I walked up the hill to get home crying so hard I couldn't breathe! I felt like the biggest boob!
  Today she finished first grade, and she is over all of those fears and is so impatient for summer to be over so she can go back to school! Am I that awful to hang out with? I am so proud of her and the wonderful little girl that she is. She has had wonderful grades and has honestly enjoyed learning! She came home every day and sat down and did her homework, she also finished a math challenge this year and won an award for it. She has made some good friends and has stood by her standards and been a great example to them. She also won a character counts award this year for being caring. I could not be any more proud of her!

Last day of school 
(It's no surprise to me she surrounded by boys.)
School BBQ
Perry loved sitting with all the 1st graders!

  I guess we are on to 2nd grade! I'm sure she will do just as well probably even better next year. We love you so much Makayla, you couldn't make us prouder!

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