So on Thursday night like 20 of my BFF's totally stayed up late to go watch TWILIGHT!!! We like waited in line for like 3 hours and got like the best seats ever. I have waited a whole year for this movie and I LOVED IT!!!!! It was so AWESOME!!!!! Eddie was so vampiry. I couldn't stop screaming and crying when I first saw him! I L-O-V-E loved the sparkles in the sun! I totally wish my skin did that! It was so hot, literally, He looked so super duper sweaty and HOTT! That right 2 T's. I would die to be his spider monkey! I'd just kill to wrap my legs around him and go for a ride!(I know I'm sick!) But his orgasms when Bella walks into chem was totally the best ever! Can you believe how gorge Rosie was! She was totally the best looking white trash I've ever ever seen! I'm going for that look now! She was such high fashion trash she should be in 17 mag! OMG I love that mag now! The make up and acting was SO GOOD!!! OMG, they were so white they were almost super see through! I wish James would bite me casue that was totally the hottest thing ever when Eddie was sucking the venom out! Ugh, just makes me shutter!!! I can totally not wait to go see it again!!! GO SEE THIS MOVIE NOW!!!! SO...P Diddy Roney, Abi Badabi and Lizzzzisa, R U READY!?!?!?!
Now for the other news.
Now for the other news.
Perry. Well, he's something else. He was star of the week at preschool this past week and he gets to take home a bear named Barney, and fill out a poster all about him. On thie poster it says: My favorite color:"garbage green," favorite place to go is:"a hotel," when I grow up I want to be: "a tiger and Optimus Prime," my favorite thing to do,"help Mom with laundry," and the best one ever is, if I had one wish I would wish for:"Lily to marry me and rock n' roll toys." Lily is a blind girl in Perry's class and they are the best of buddies. He loves to help her. When we brought Perry's poster into class we were showing it to his teacher and Lily's mom, Chris. We were chuckling over it and Perry piped in," Well, I just want to marry Lily cause she's my bestfriend, just like Dad is Mom's bestfriend." Oh the tears were welling up in my eyes! We took Barney everywhere we went, he had a very busy week at our house.
Bentley started clapping today! I was so bummed, she finally had a "first" while Mike wasn't at work but of course he missed it because he was teking Perry to the bathroom! Ugh, go figure! She's pulling herself up on furniture now and into everything! It's crazy to think that 8.5 months ago she was just being born!Makayla is very excited about Colonial Days this week. She gets to dress up as an indian and eat a lot of popcorn and play fun games. As part of Colonial Days I decided to volunteer to provide the popcorn, I found out after I signed up that they needed 60 bags of popped popcorn. Our house still smells like butta. Happy Thanksgiving!
Bentley started clapping today! I was so bummed, she finally had a "first" while Mike wasn't at work but of course he missed it because he was teking Perry to the bathroom! Ugh, go figure! She's pulling herself up on furniture now and into everything! It's crazy to think that 8.5 months ago she was just being born!Makayla is very excited about Colonial Days this week. She gets to dress up as an indian and eat a lot of popcorn and play fun games. As part of Colonial Days I decided to volunteer to provide the popcorn, I found out after I signed up that they needed 60 bags of popped popcorn. Our house still smells like butta. Happy Thanksgiving!